Business lawyer
As a lawyer at Mannheimer Swartling, you will provide legal advice in one of the firm’s practice or sector groups. You will work to understand each client’s business and use your legal skills to find the very best solutions in order to deliver the client’s objectives. For further information about your career opportunities as a lawyer, visit Career.
Compliance and Risk
The Compliance and Risk department deals with compliance, ethical issues and internal complaints. You may be involved in due diligence work before the firm accepts new engagements and clients. The team also produces, develops and evaluates the results of new policies, as well as ethical rules and procedures. For more information about career opportunities in Compliance and Risk, contact Karin Faxén Ågrup.
Innovation and Technology
In the Innovation and Technology department, you will work with MSA Innovation Lab, generative AI and with identifying and investing in other new technology. You will assist in the operation and development of the firm’s IT infrastructure, such as IT security, telephony, video conferencing and other systems. For more information about career opportunities, contact Peter Coyet or Natalie Lorin.
Working in the Finance department involves the firm’s financial affairs, accounting and reporting. The Finance department is represented at all offices and works in strategic and operational capacities. Responsibilities also include budgeting and financial planning. For more information about career opportunities with the Finance department, contact Åsa Alm.
Administrative Support
The Administrative Support department assists the lawyers in different practice groups, for example, with document management, transcription, bookings, and couriers. The role of a Junior Assistant is also part of the Administrative Support team. For more information about career opportunities, contact For more information about career opportunities, contact
Marketing and Communications
The Marketing and Communications department plays an important role in the development and management of the Mannheimer Swartling brand. The team is responsible for various marketing and communications acitvities – both strategically and operationally, internally and externally. This includes everything from planning and coordinating events to digital communication, PR, business development and strategy work. For more information about career opportunities in Marketing and Communications, contact Helena Carlquist.
In the HR department, you will work with recruitment, employee development and employer branding. HR has both an operational and a strategic dimension and involves close interaction with partners and other employees of the firm. For more information about career opportunities in HR, contact Karin Mendel.
Facility Management
The firm offers support roles in various operational areas. Facility Management includes reception, conference, office supplies and maintenance, archiving, as well as evening and weekend support for a number of key functions in our day-to-day operations. For more information about career opportunities in Facility Management, contact Susanne Hylstofte.